WASLA 2011: Restoring the human dimension in cities

This Friday (April 1st!) Weber Thompson Principal Catherine Benotto AIA, ASLA, LEED AP, all around great gal, will be speaking at the WASLA 2011 Spring Conference. You don’t want to miss this!

Catherine, along with child psychologist Helle Burlingame, Cand. Psych., MS Psychology and Landscape Architect Colie Hough-Beck ASLA, Principal HBB Landscape Architecture, will be discussing how cities can remember why they exist aka making cities livable for all ages. The talk will have an emphasis on accommodating children, because “children are the indicator species for the health of a city,” (paraphrased from the former Mayor of Bogota). Seattle ranks among the very lowest for percentage of households with children – this talk will discuss how to turn that around.

The talk is entitled Restoring the Human Dimension in Cities, and will include information from the Seattle Planning Commission’s Transit Communities Report as well as international examples. It starts Friday morning at 8:00. We look forward to seeing you there!

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