Carbon neutrality

Early in 2008, Weber Thompson’s Green Team calculated the 2007 carbon consumption for our staff’s commuting and work related air travel, and the electrical loads from our old office space. Our goal was to offset our carbon consumption by planting native trees and shrubs in the greater Seattle Area.

On several different occasions throughout the fall and winter, WT volunteered for planting and restoration parties with Mountains to Sound Greenway and EarthCorps. We roused ourselves from our warm beds on early, misty Saturday mornings, donned our rain gear and work boots and got down and dirty with our co-workers in the urban forests.

In November, we partnered with EarthCorps as a site sponsor for Climate Action Week and sent teams to Carkeek Park in North Seattle and Carillon Woods in Kirkland to plant native trees and shrubs. Our team scaled steep hillsides, learning about the miles of Mountain Beaver tunnels running just below the surface. We must have spent as much time digging our co-workers out of those beaver tunnels as we did planting trees! As the year comes to an end, we look forward to comparing our carbon consumption between our old and new office. We’ll keep you posted.

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